Activadose tDCS

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Device Overview

User type: Consumer – Research – Professional

Current type: Direct current

Current ramp-up rate/current ramp up time: 0.05 mA/sec Automatic

Display: Digital

Current options (mA): 0.1 – 2.0 or 0.1 – 4.0

Max voltage (V): 29 or 80 respectively

Timer settings (minutes): Automatic – Integrated into ‘dose’ setting


  • Professional Grade build quality – Used in tDCS publications

  • Two controls operating dose and current, with optional push-knob or turn capabilities such as pause and stop

  • High-contrast display indicates dose, time and current

  • Automatic current ramp-up and ramp-down for maximum comfort

  • Visual indicators and audible alerts for resistance limit, dose and current limits, and electrode reject for safety

Product Review

Activadose tDCS is a non-invasive brain stimulation device that has been designed to deliver transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) therapy. This device is a medical-grade, FDA-cleared device (technically for iontophoresis which we will explain more about that below) that has been developed to help people suffering from various mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and chronic pain.

Iontophoresis is a technique that uses a low-level electrical current to administer medication through the skin (using a special electrode, not the same electrode used in tDCS). However, iontophoresis uses the same exact low-level electrical current waveform as tDCS. Therefore when used with the tDCS Starter Kit, the Activadose becomes the perfect tDCS device. The FDA clearance for iontophoresis required extensive safety testing so you can be sure the device is built to high standards. This also made the device trusted by universities and allowed Activadose to be used in many research studies. And because of that, Activadose has grown to become a trusted name in the tDCS community.

Activadose for tDCS is compact and easy to use, making it a great option for people who want to take control of their treatment from the comfort of their own homes. It comes with an intuitive user interface that allows users to adjust the current intensity and duration of the stimulation, and the device also includes safety features such as automatic shut-off and over-current protection.

One of the standout features of the Activadose tDCS device is its high level of accuracy and precision. The device delivers a consistent current output, which means that the stimulation is reliable and effective. It also uses a patented current ramping system that helps to minimize discomfort and improve patient tolerance.

The device has been rigorously tested in clinical trials and has been shown to be effective in treating a range of mental health conditions. It has also been shown to be safe and well-tolerated by patients, with minimal side effects reported.

In summary, the Activadose tDCS device is an excellent option for people who are looking for a safe and effective way to manage their mental health conditions. Its accuracy, precision, and ease of use make it a standout device in the tDCS market, and its clinical effectiveness and safety profile has been well-established through numerous studies. Overall, the Activadose tDCS device comes highly recommended to anyone looking for a non-invasive, home-based therapy option for their mental health.