Dr. Andy McKinley is the leader of the Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation (NIBS) Team in the Cognitive Performance Optimization Section, Applied Neuroscience Branch, Warfighter Interface Division, Human Effectiveness Directorate at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Dr. McKinley’s research focuses on developing and evaluating non-invasive brain stimulation techniques and paradigms to enhance cognitive performance in Air Force environments. Dr. McKinley is also performing basic science to uncover the neural mechanisms of transcranial stimulation to better understand how the technology provides performance enhancement. Likewise, he is advancing the technology design through the modeling and development of new tDCS electrodes that improve safety and comfort for the user. Dr. McKinley also has extensive experience modeling cognitive performance and human physiology under high acceleration (i.e. high -G) stress (dissertation topic) and has worked on many projects relating to human factors including display design and multisensory integration. Dr. McKinley has 45 peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, technical reports, and conference proceedings in these areas. He has served on multiple NATO International Panels and is currently leading an International multi-service Project Agreement. (U.S. Air Force video by Andrew Arthur Breese)