First Look at Limited Edition Zendo for Meditation

Image Credit Bodhi NeuroTech

A new and exciting product, Zendo, will soon be available. Zendo builds upon tDCS technology to help accelerate and enhance your mediation practice.

“Zendo system activates brain areas that are commonly associated with long-term meditation practice to amplify your meditation experience.” – Bodhi NeuroTech

Limited edition starter kits of this meditation device will be available in July. Zendo will initially be available only to their newsletter subscribers. You can sign up here to receive a purchase link in June for the limited edition kits available in July.

Zendo can also be used with meditation apps and comes with a 1 year subscription to Brightmind.

Check out this video on how to use Zendo for a first look at the device and its features. To learn more about the Zendo meditation device and the science behind it, visit Zendo Meditation.


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